
How to Play Dominoes


Dominoes are small rectangular blocks, usually twice as long as wide, used in various games and other activities. They are made from a variety of materials, including wood, plastic, and metal. They were first recorded in the mid-18th century in Italy, France, and Austria. They have also been introduced to the United States by French prisoners of war and are now popular in Texas. They are used in a variety of traditional games and as educational toys.

To play dominoes, players take turns picking out a certain number of tiles from a stock of pieces. They then place them face-down on a flat surface. They must then match the end of the tile to a part of a domino that is already in their hand. Several versions of the game allow the tiles to be joined to all four sides.

The game is played in two to four player pairs or teams. The goal is to get to a specified target score, usually 61 points. The winning team plays the first domino in their hand. If all the players block, the player who has the lowest hand wins. The game ends when all the players have blocked, or when there are no more legal plays left.

The simplest Western domino game is the block-and-draw game, which is typically played for two players. The players each draw seven dominoes. They then place them face-down on the table. They can then see which tiles are in their opponent’s hands. The winner is the player who has the least number of pips. The winning team can play any domino that they have in their hands.

Another simple type of Western domino game is the double-six dominoes game. It is an adaptation of the Concentration card game. Each player draws seven tiles from the double-six set. These are then placed in a simple rectangular grid. The player who wins must collect the most pairs of dominoes. This is done by playing the doubles, one perpendicular to the other. In some games, the doubles are paired with each other, while in other games they are unpaired.

There are also several other types of dominoes, including the chinese dominoes and the Spanish dominoes. These are played by the same rules as the Western dominoes. They are generally designed for low-cost, however. They are traditionally made of ebony or dark hardwood, and sometimes are layered in multiple woods. They are considered works of art.

There are several different types of domino games, and each has its own rules. “The Great Book of Domino Games” is a good resource for learning the rules. It is available in print and on Amazon. Other domino games include chicken foot, matador, and Mexican train. It is recommended that you learn the basic rules before starting a game.

Depending on the particular game, the players can either play one tile at a time, or can alternately extend the line of play. In other domino games, the player can add or remove tiles to a line.