
The History of Dominoes


The history of dominoes dates back to the 18th century. The earliest known domino game manual is Xuan He Pai Pu. Dominoes first made their way to Europe, where they were seen first in Italy. In Europe, the game set contains 7 additional dominoes, one of which represents each of the six values on a die. The seventh piece represents a blank combination. In the late eighteenth century, dominoes began to be played in France and Britain.

Xuan He Pai Pu is the earliest known manual written about dominoes

The game of dominoes dates back to the 12th century in China, where it was first mentioned by Zhou Mi, a writer during the Yuan Dynasty. This ancient text, published in 1232, mentions the game in passing and even mentions dice. This means that the game was around for much longer than originally thought, and was in use in China long before it was introduced to Europe.

Double-six set

A double-six set is the simplest version of domino for two players. Players take turns drawing seven tiles from a stock. The double-six set allows players to see the values of their tiles and how many their opponents have. Another version of this game is known as five-up domino, which has multicolored tiles and a “Run” button. This game is great for beginners and is an excellent way to learn the game.

Straight Dominoes

The basic rules of Straight Dominoes are simple: the player who scores the most points by placing the highest number of dominoes on the board is the winner. This game requires only two or four players and the proper set of Double 6 Dominoes. Players take turns placing dominoes on the board. To begin the game, players should shuffle and place the dominoes face down. A player is selected at random to begin the game. Each player receives seven dominoes from the pile.

Thierry Denoual’s domino game

A tabletop version of the classic game of dominoes is Bendomino. It is made from double-six dominoes with a 120-degree curve, and introduces a new level of strategy. Instead of numbers and symbols, this game features pictures. In addition to being played in rounds, Bendomino also features two game modes: junior and deluxe. This article will explore the differences between the two.

Rules of the game

The primary objective of this game is to build a series of enclosed spaces. One cell consists of half a domino tile. Each cell earns one point. The graphic illustration below shows some examples of cell creation. You can also learn some basic strategies and tactics if you are playing Game Option 1.